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Artist Statement

In this series of work Orientation, I reinterpreted the notion of orientation in a metaphysical way. I relocated myself to some particular places to search for my own identity.

I borrowed the names of four underground stations in four cities that I had visited within 3 months in 2009: London: 'All Saints'; Paris: ‘Sentier’ (Track); Milan: ‘Sesto Rondò’ (Sixth Roundabout); and Berlin ‘Ostkreuz’ (East Cross). These names gave me far-reaching inspiration of either meandering, on track, annoyed, or even seeking rescue from the unknown, they were so impressive and were kept in my mind. I then borrowed and depicted them as a metaphor of mental orientation, and recreated them as a symbolic interpretation between reality, intuition and imagination.

These photographs were shown along with their associated sounds, they represented time flow, imagination and reflection within my mental travel.

Wai Kit Lam

Hong Kong

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