Wai Kit Lam - fine art visual artist: photography, video art, installation, text, sound, Hong Kong, Spain, female artist,

Wai Kit LAM 林慧潔 was born in Hong Kong in 1966 and lives and works in London, UK & Hong Kong. She graduated with an MFA from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (2003) and a BA (Hons) in Fine Art from Goldsmiths, University of London, the United Kingdom (1996). Her media included photography, video art, text, sound, and installation.
Selected solo exhibitions: Italfoto Archive, Torino, Italy (2022); Lumenvisum, Hong Kong (2019); tadlachance, Cuges-les-Pins, France (2018); Young Artist in Residence @ V54, Hong Kong (2017); Espai Sant Marc, Mallorca, Spain (2016); Centre d'Art i Creació de Ses Voltes, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (2016); Casa Monsaraz, Monsaraz, Portugal (2012); Amelia Johnson Contemporary, Hong Kong (2007).
Awards & grants: Project ICONE ’50, Hong Kong Arts Development Council (2022); IX Certamen de Artes Plásticas Dijous Bo, Inca, Mallorca, Spain (2018); Second award: III Certamen d’Arts Plàstiques Ciutat de Felanitx 2017, Felanitx, Mallorca, Spain (2017); Centre d'Art i Creació de Ses Voltes, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (2016); Fundación Valparaíso, Mojácar, Spain (2011); Artists in the Neighbourhood Scheme IV & Visual Artist-in-Residence Programmes, Hong Kong Arts Development Council (2009); The 8th Hong Kong Independent Short Film and Video Awards (IFVA) (2003); Hong Kong Contemporary Art Biennial Awards (2009 & 1998).
Artist-in-residence: Water Tower Art Residency #7, Lom, Bulgaria (2023); Italfoto Archive, Torino, Italy (2022); Vilarcangel, València, Spain (2019); tadlachance, Cuges-les-Pins, France (2018); Young Artist in Residence @ V54, Hong Kong (2017); Centre d’Art i Creació de Ses Voltes, Palma de Mallorca, Spain (2016 & 2015); Lichtenberg Studios, Berlin, Germany (2014); Casa Monsaraz, Monsaraz, Portugal (2012), Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder, Trondheim, Norway (2012); Fundación Valparaíso, Mojácar, Spain (2011); Takt Kunstprojektraum Artist Residency, Berlin, Germany (2009).
Her works are collected by the Hong Kong Heritage Museum, Setmanari Felanitx, Spain, and Médiathèque de Cuges-les-Pins, France, as well as private collections in Hong Kong, the United Kingdom, Spain, France, Germany, Portugal, Italy, Canada, the USA, Australia and Malaysia.
My artistic vision explores who we are, our vulnerabilities and intimacy, how we connect with others, and how our surroundings shape us. I’m interested in how our experiences and conflicts affect our sense of self and how others see us. I also question the beliefs that define us, wondering if we truly understand what we want and are limited by stereotypes. I find inspiration in the places I’ve been, which makes me rethink my identity. My media are mainly photography and video art, through which I capture and convey these complex themes and emotions. Another critical aspect of my work is using words and sounds to add layers of meaning and interaction, shaping how we see and understand images.
2001 – 2003
Master of Fine Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
1993 – 1996
BA (Hons) in Fine Art, Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom
Solo Exhibitions / Solo Screenings / Duo Exhibitions
Il Dono per l'Anima Senza Nome, ICONE ‘50, Italfoto Archive, Torino, Italy
Accord/Discord - Wai Kit Lam at fIXER, Hong Kong
Accord/Discord - Wai Kit Lam, Lumenvisum, Hong Kong
Non-vérité authentique - Wai Kit Lam, tadlachance, Chapelle des Pénitents, Cuges-les-Pins, France
Video screening - works of Wai Kit Lam, Galerie Le Garage, Lorgues, France
Happy Encounter - Marcos Vidal Font & Wai Kit Lam, Young Artist in Residence @ V54, Hong Kong
Intimitats - projecció de videoart de Wai Kit Lam, Espai Sant Marc, Sineu, Mallorca, Spain
¿Dónde Está El Paraíso? - Wai Kit Lam, Centre d'Art i Creació de Ses Voltes, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Human Traces - Marcos Vidal Font & Wai Kit Lam, Schillerpalais, Berlin, Germany
Which things were (are) allowed and which were (are) not - Wai Kit Lam, Droog Building, Hong Kong
Wai Kit Lam og Nicola Müller, Babel visningsrom for kunst, Trondheim, Norway
Five Senses - A series of 5 videos by Wai Kit Lam, Aesop Cityplaza, Hong Kong
Sleight - Wai Kit Lam, Lumenvisum, Hong Kong
Small But Great - photography, video art & sound by Wai Kit Lam, Casa Monsaraz, Monsaraz, Portugal
Unknown - Works by Wai Kit Lam, Artists in the Neighbourhood Scheme IV, Hong Kong Film Archive & Tse Wan Shan Centre, Hong Kong
The Other Month; The Other Day - Wai Kit Lam, Schmidt Leica Photo Gallery, Hong Kong
The Divided Minds V - Photography and video installation by Wai Kit Lam, Amelia Johnson Contemporary, Hong Kong
The Other - Wai Kit Lam, Shanghai Street Artspace, Hong Kong
Displacement - Wai Kit Lam, First Institute of Art & Design Gallery, Hong Kong
Frozen Words II - Dialogues within Oneself - Wai Kit Lam, First Institute of Art & Design Gallery, Hong Kong
Frozen Words - Wai Kit Lam, The Gallery, Art Forest, Toronto, Canada
The Secret Gardens - Wai Kit Lam, Montblanc Gallery at the Fringe, Hong Kong
This is you; this is not you - Wai Kit Lam, Agfa Gallery at the Fringe, Hong Kong
Beyond Colours - Wai Kit Lam, Dragon's Back Gallery at the Fringe, Hong Kong
Change - Wai Kit Lam, Goldsmiths, University of London, London, United Kingdom
Selected Group Exhibitions / Screenings / Projects
Salon des Étrangers, in association with Siger Gallery & Venice Art Factory, Zattere Art Corner, Venice, Italy
Inside/Outside and All In Between, Migration Museum, London, United Kingdom
Good Morning World. 2024, – a hundrich project, Pampin, Ziegendorf, Germany
The New Normal Topics Collective, curated by Patricio Álvarez Aragón
Water Tower Art Residency #7, City Hall Gallery, Lom, Bulgaria
Echo Past with Memory, L1 Gallery, Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre, Hong Kong
Feel it, Show it, Sorted, Belsize Community Library, London, United Kingdom
W.I.R. III./2022 - Innehalten, curated by Herbert W.H. Hundrich, Dorfkirche Meierstorf, Ziegendorf, Germany
The Wall – Reunion or Divide, curated by Carol Pui Ha Chow, SomoS Art Space, Berlin, Germany
20 years of tadlachance, tadlachance, Cuges-Les-Pins, France
Re · Count: Repetition and Encounter, Unit Gallery, Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre, Hong Kong
Root & Branch - Linda Norris & Wai Kit Lam, in W.I.R. III./2022 - Innehalten, Dorfkirche Meierstorf, Germany
Root & Branch - Linda Norris & Wai Kit Lam, Mission Gallery, Swansea, Wales
Root & Branch - Linda Norris & Wai Kit Lam, 這不是咖啡店, Tainan City, Taiwan
Common Ground Project, curated by Kika Nicolela
Root & Branch - Linda Norris & Wai Kit Lam, Wales & Hong Kong
Wish You Well, Sharon Lee, Wai Kit Lam in collaboration with Linda Norris, Karin Weber Gallery, Hong Kong
32nd Process – Space Art Festival 2021, Rearrangement of Layers, Cultural and Information Center “The Mill”, Balchik, Bulgaria
Hong Kong Photobook Festival, Hong Kong
LAF Cookbook, curated by Kenneth G. Hay, Larroque, Midi-Pyrenees, France
L’Atelier des Camions, online project
International Creative Lab Exchange 7 - with Ruth Biene, Slow Theatre Company, Norwich, United Kingdom
VIII. Festival de Videodanza de Palma, Mallorca, Spain. Edición online
Common Ground Project, curated by Kika Nicolela, Moscow Museum of Modern Art, Moscow, Russia
W.I.R. I. 2020 Ruhner Land, Stadtpfarrkirche St. Nikolai-Kirche in Putlitz, Putlitz, Germany
WIR Projekt / die Filme, Movie Star Parchim, Parchim, Germany
Corona. Artist's Documents 2020, Dorfkirche in Ziegendorf, Ziegendorf, Germany
Video Screening: The Exquisite Corpse Video Project Vol.7, FARaway Festival des Arts à Reims, Reims, France; Digital Icons – Festival Transnumériques #7 – Vernissage au Mill, Transcultures – Media Arts Center, La Louvière, Belgium
Nit de l’Art de la Cala Sant Vicenç, Mallorca, Spain
Art Nit Campos 2019, Casal Can Pere Ignasi, Campos, Mallorca, Spain
ScreenDance Festival 2019, Dansmuseet, Stockholm, Sweden
Incart XIII Edició 2019, Casal Cas Metge Cifre, Inca, Mallorca, Spain
Video Screening: The Exquisite Corpse Video Project Vol.6, 14th Athens Digital Arts Festival: Singularity Now, Athens, Greece; Groupe Intervention Vidéo (GIV): Montreal, Canada; Maison de la Culture, Salle Vialatte, Clermont-Ferrand, France; International Video Art Festival «Now&After»19, Festivals' Day, Tsekh Otdelki, CCI Fabrika, Moscow, Russia; Videoformes, Tel Aviv, Israel; Uzupis Film Festival, Vilnius, Lithuania
VI. Festival de Videodanza de Palma, Fundació Pilar i Joan Miró, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
IX Certamen de Artes Plásticas Dijous Bo 2018, Sa Quartera Centre d’Art, Inca, Mallorca, Spain
Versus, Incart XII Edició 2018, Sa Quartera Centre d’Art, Inca, Mallorca, Spain
What has been, will be lost until we find it, Karin Weber Gallery, Hong Kong
Rebels amb Causa, Sa Quartera Centre d’Art, organised by Inca Town Hall, Inca, Mallorca, Spain
Video Screening: The Exquisite Corpse Video Project Vol.5, 14th Athens Digital Arts Festival, Singularity Now, Athens, Greece; Clinic Gallery, Tokyo; Groupe Intervention Vidéo (GIV), Montreal, Canada; Atrium Gallery, School of Art, Western Michigan University, USA
Art Nit Campos 2018, Casal de Sa Nostra, Campos, Mallorca, Spain
Tastart, 3ª Edició, Nit de l'art 2018, Carrer de l'Almoina 31, Porreres, Mallorca, Spain
XIII Art i copes, Fudació Joan Soler, Sa Pobla, Mallorca, Spain
III Certamen d’Arts Plàstiques Ciutat de Felanitx 2017, La Casa de Cultura de Felanitx, Felanitx, Mallorca, Spain
Ad ognuno la sua parte 2017, organised by tadlachance, Villatalla, Imperia, Italy
Cheung Chau Wave Art Festival 2017, Fisheries Joint Association Public School & Lighthouse, Cheung Chau, Hong Kong
Tastart, 2ª Edició, Nit de l'art 2017, Museu i Fons Artístic de Porreres, Porreres, Mallorca, Spain
I live for that energy, Studio One Toi T?, Auckland, New Zealand
Video Screening: The Exquisite Corpse Video Project Vol.5, Videoformes Festival, Clermont-Ferrand, France; The Local NYC, New York, USA; Espacio Enter, Canary Islands, Spain; Club Cultural Matienzo, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Blue Magpie Experimental Film Series, Taiwan
Incart XI Edició 2017, Claustro de Sant Domingo, Inca, Mallorca, Spain
Incart 2016 a Can Gelabert, Casal de Cultura, Can Gelabert, Binissalem, Mallorca, Spain
What do you want for tomorrow? 4th Hong Kong International Photo Festival, Hong Kong Heritage Museum, Hong Kong
5th Singapore International Photography Festival, Curatorial Project Showcase “A Room with a View”, Earl Lu Gallery, Institute of Contemporary Arts Singapore, LASALLE College of the Arts, Singapore
25th Process – Space Art Festival 2016, Canetti House & Gallery of the Union of Ruse Artists, Ruse, Bulgaria
AIM Wroclaw 2016 - Abracadabra, BARBARA: infopunkt | kawiarnia | kultura, Wroclaw, Poland
Incart X Edició 2016, Casal Cas Metge Cifre, Inca, Mallorca, Spain
The colour of your heart is what matters, Studio One Toi Tu, Auckland, New Zealand
Video Screening: The Exquisite Corpse Video Project Vol.5, Video de Hoje, Central Gallery, São Paulo, Brazil; Top Schillerpalais, Berlin, Germany; CONVERsalón V.14, Arcadia Coop, Toronto, Canada; Contemporary Art Ruhr (C.A.R.), The Innovative Art Fair, Essen, Germany; Montage Express, Oil Street, Hong Kong
trafficjam #4, Festival de Arte Contemporáneo de Saltillo, Museo de Artes Gráficas de Saltillo (MAG), Saltillo, Mexico
A Room with a View, Koo Ming Kown Exhibition Gallery, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
Reaching for the Horizon and Beyond, Studio One Toi Tu & Uxbridge Malcolm Smith Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand
Water Tower Art Fest 2015: Towns in Need of Love, Sofia & Pernik, Sofia Tram Depo & Sofia Arsenal - Museum for Contemporary Art, Sofia, Bulgaria
Light|Umbrella|Shadow, Auckland Festival Photography 2015, Circle Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand
trafficjam #4 - Palma de Mallorca, Centre d'Art i Creació de Ses Voltes, Palma de Mallorca & Can Gelabert, Binissalem, Spain
In Conversations with 100 local artists, YY9 Gallery, Hong Kong
13 Terminal Tiles, Lumenvisum, Hong Kong
trafficjam #3 - Berlin, Kulturcafe, Lichtenberg Studio, Berlin, Germany
Video installation: Herrenreiter, Karlshorst, Treskowallee, Berlin, Germany
Video Screening: The Exquisite Corpse Video Project Vol.4, Videoformes Festival, Clermont Ferrand, France; Laidak, Berlin, Germany; Sophia, Bulgaria; Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Cartagena, Colombia
The Snap Cardigan Exhibition 1986/2014, agnès b. Galerie Boutique, 50 Howard Street 10013; 1063 Madison Avenue 10028; 13 East 16th Street 10003, New York, USA
Oslo Screen Festival - Video Art in a Nordic Perspective, Filmens Hus, Cinemateket (Lillebil), Oslo, Norway
700IS Reindeerland screenings 2014, Looking at the Big Sky, National Gallery of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland
Hot Spots - Four Photographers|Four Perspectives, Voxfire Gallery, Hong Kong
Refract-Reflect, The Gallery of Hong Kong Art School, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Hong Kong
Looking at the Big Sky, Project Room Exhibition, Microwave International New Media Arts Festival, Hong Kong Film Archive, Hong Kong
agnès b. The Snap Cardigan Photo Exhibition World Tour 2013, Paragon Shopping Centre, Main Atrium, Singapore; Eslite Sinyi, Taipei, Taiwan; IFC Mall, Atrium, Hong Kong; Jiu Guang Department Store, 2/F, Shanghai, China
From City to City: A Hong Kong Photo Exhibition Response on Daido Moriyama, Hong Kong International Photo Festival, Hong Kong
Destination Berlin, 1a Space, Hong Kong
G.O.L.D - What the #*@& is Value?, Voxfire Gallery, Hong Kong
New Wave Fresh Looks, HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity Gallery, Hong Kong
Video Screening: Time is Love.5, International Video Art Exhibition, curated by Kisito Assangni, [.Box] Videoart Project Space, Milano, Italy; SAVVY Contemporary, Berlin, Germany; Garage 4141 Gallery, San Diego, USA; Rich Mix Foundation, London, UK; The Cornaro Institute, Larnaca, Cyprus; Galerie Octobre, Paris, France; ZET Foundation, Amsterdam, Netherlands; Kulter, Amsterdam, Netherlands; City Art Gallery, Kharkiv, Ukraine; Tiwani Contemporary, London, UK
Video Screening: The Exquisite Corpse Video Project Vol.3, Museum of Modern Art, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Videoformes, Clermont-Ferrand, France; Atelier397, São Paulo, Brazil; Objectifs - Centre for Photography and Filmmaking, Singapore; Watertowerfest, Sophia, Bulgaria; Gallerywest, Toronto, Canada; Forman's Smokehouse Gallery & Hackney Wicked Art Festival, London, UK; Databaz, Angouleme, France
The 7th Berlin International Directors Lounge, Berlin, Germany
1a@Beijing: open the pages.you see me seeing you, Part II, 1a space, Hong Kong
FUORI 4, Galleria Gallerati, Rome, Italy
Hong Kong Photo Festival 2010: Four Dimensions - Contemporary Photography from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan & Macau, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Hong Kong
1a@Beijing: open the pages.you see me seeing you, Part I, Kubrick Bookshop, Beijing, China
Video Screening: The Exquisite Corpse Video Project Vol.2, Blueprint, London, UK; Wikitopia, Hong Kong; Galerie Carla Magna, Paris, France
19th dokumentART - European Documentary Film Festival: videoART, Neubrandenburg, Germany & Szczecin, Poland
In Details, agnès b.'s LIBRAIRIE GALERIE, Hong Kong
Hong Kong Contemporary Art Biennial Awards 2009, Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong
Hong Kong Photography 2010, Gallery INDEXG, Toronto, Canada
Sideward Narration, 1a Space, Hong Kong
Back to Drawing, Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre, Hong Kong
Self and Other Representations, 10th aluCineLatin Media Festival, CineCycle, Toronto, Canada
Takt Kunstprojektraum Artist Residency, Berlin, Germany
Video Screening: The Exquisite Corpse Video Project Vol.2, V.art09, Värnamo, Sweden; Magacin, Belgrade, Serbia; Contato, São Carlos, Brazil; Kulturpalast Wedding International, Berlin, Germany; VTape, Toronto, Canada; Supermarket Art Fair, Kulturhuset, Stockholm, Sweden
Josetti Grand Bazaar, turn-berlin Gallery, Berlin, Germany
White Pillow - visual art + fashion exhibition, 8640 fazhion+idea Gallery, Hong Kong
Hong Kong Arts Centre 30th Anniversary Award – Invitational Art Competition, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Hong Kong
Women's Work, Osage Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
Who's that girl?, Kina Art Cafe, Marino, Roma, Italy
Artists in the Neighbourhood Scheme IV Launching Exhibition, Exhibition Hall, Hong Kong City Hall Low Block, Hong Kong
Video Art in the age of the Internet, Chelsea Art Museum, New York, USA
Talkover/Handover, 1a space, Hong Kong
[PAM] Perpetual Art Machine, The Video Art Portal, 2006-2007, Volume One, Year One
2 Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art, Special projects: We are your future, Art Center Winzavod, Moscow, Russia
Cameras Inside-out, Hong Kong Heritage Museum, Hong Kong
Transmediale 2007, Berlin, Germany
Winter 06/07, Amelia Johnson Contemporary, Hong Kong
Ex-otica, Vitamin Arte Contemporanea, Torino, Italy
Winter 05/06, Amelia Johnson Contemporary, Hong Kong
The Long March Framed - China Hong Kong Festival in 20 Years, agnès b. Cinema, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Hong Kong
Muse Gaze - Seven female photographers of a new generation, 1a space, Hong Kong
If Hong Kong, A Woman/Traveller, 1a space, Hong Kong
The Eyes are the Objects - AMAE Artgroup, Hui Gallery, New Asia College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Mirror Me: Recent works of LAM Wai-kit and Vivian LEUNG, Para/Site Central, Hong Kong
Third International Film & Video Festival, The Museum of New Art (MONA), Rochester, USA
Fotanian – 2004 Open Studio, Wah Luen Industrial Centre, Hong Kong
2004 Shanghai Biennale, Techniques of the Visible, Black Box: International Film Program, Shanghai, China
Hong Kong + Seoul + Tokyo Videoart – Landscape of Transmitted Images, POLA Art Foundation, POLA Museum Annex (Ginza), Tokyo, Japan
Dislocation Re-launch Exhibition, LEE Ka-sing Gallery, Toronto, Canada
Dislocation Re-launch Exhibition, Volkswagen Fotogalerie, Fringe Club, Hong Kong
Take Two, Hui Gallery, New Asia College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Fotanian: Close to the Blind Track - AMAE Artgroup, Wah Luen Industrial Centre, Hong Kong; Zun i arte contemporanea, Ferrara, Italy
The Retelling of Drawing II – Story of Peach Flower Garden, Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre, Hong Kong
Post-Graduate Exhibition, The Art of CUHK 2003, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
The 8th Hong Kong Independent Short Film and Video Awards (IFVA), Hong Kong Arts Centre, Hong Kong
FotanGathering: NEOstalgia, Wah Luen Industrial Centre, Hong Kong
Confession - works by Woody Lee, Tsang Chui Mei and Lam Wai Kit, Wah Luen Industrial Centre, Hong Kong
2000 – 2001
Behind the Eyeballs - a non-visual exhibition, Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre, Hong Kong
Millennium Souvenir Exhibition, The Gallery, Art Forest, Toronto, Canada
Hong Kong Contemporary Art Biennial Awards 1998, Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong
The Retelling of Drawing - by 12 Hong Kong Woman Artists, Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre, Hong Kong
Hong Kong Incarnated, Museum 97: History, Community, Individual, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Hong Kong
Souvenir 1997: A Design Project, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Hong Kong
Degree Show, Goldsmiths College, University of London, London, United Kingdom
Awards & Grants
Cultural Exchange Grant: Project ICONE ’50 and Artist-in-residence at Italfoto Archive, Torino, Italy, by Hong Kong Arts Development Council, Hong Kong
Selected Entries: IX Certamen de Artes Plásticas Dijous Bo 2018, Inca, Mallorca, Spain
Second Award: III Certamen d’Arts Plàstiques Ciutat de Felanitx 2017, Felanitx, Mallorca, Spain
Residence Grant: Mobility grants aimed at non-resident artists in the Balearic Islands, Centre d'Art i Creació de Ses Voltes, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Cultural Exchange Grant: Water Tower Art Fest 2015: Towns in Need of Love, Sofia & Pernik, Bulgaria, by Hong Kong Arts Development Council, Hong Kong
Cultural Exchange Grant: LKV - Lademoen Kunstnerverkstede, Trondheim, Norway, by Hong Kong Arts Development Council
Residence Grant: Fundación Valparaíso, Mojácar, Spain
2009/10 - 12
Cultural Exchange Grant: Artist-in-Residence Subsidy Scheme, Hong Kong Arts Development Council, Hong Kong
Selected Entries: Hong Kong Contemporary Art Biennial Awards 2009, Hong Kong
Selected Entries: The 8th Hong Kong Independent Short Film and Video Awards (IFVA), Hong Kong
Research Grant: Art Museum, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Selected Entries: Hong Kong Contemporary Art Biennial Awards 1998, Hong Kong
Distinction: Philippe Charriol Foundation Art Competition, Hong Kong
Residency Programs
Water Tower Art Residency #7, Lom, Bulgaria
2022/10 – 11
ICONE ’50, Italfoto Archive, Torino, Italy
Vilarcangel, València, Spain
tadlachance, Cuges-les-Pins, France
Young Artist in Residence @ V54, Hong Kong
Mobility grants aimed at non-resident artists in the Balearic Islands, Centre d'Art i Creació de Ses Voltes, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
trafficjam #4, Centre d'Art i Creació de Ses Voltes, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
trafficjam #3, Lichtenberg Studios, Berlin, Germany
2012/11 – 12
LKV - Lademoen Kunstnerverkstede, Trondheim, Norway
Casa Monsaraz, Monsaraz, Portugal
Fundación Valparaíso, Mojácar, Spain
2009/10 – 12
Takt Kunstprojektraum Artist Residency, Berlin, Germany
The Years 1997–2002, Lam Wai Kit & Yu May Ming, Hong Kong
Wai Kit Lam 2009, Hong Kong
Wai Kit Lam 2003, Hong Kong
A Creative Challenge: Mixed Media, published by Hong Kong Arts Centre, Hong Kong
The Secret Gardens – works by Lam Wai Kit, Hong Kong
Lam Wai Kit – Beyond Colours, Hong Kong
Recalling the Present, White Tube Gallery, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Hong Kong
2022: Médiathèque de Cuges-les-Pins, France
2017: Setmanari Felanitx, Spain
2007, 2005, 2002: Hong Kong Heritage Museum
1993: Earthling Studio, Hong Kong
Private collections in Hong Kong, the United Kingdom, Spain, France, Germany, Portugal, Italy, Canada, the USA, Australia and Malaysia
Art Fairs
Affordable Art Fair Hong Kong 2018, Hong Kong
Asia Contemporary Art Show 2012, Hong Kong
Asia Top Gallery Hotel Art Fair Hong Kong 2011, Hong Kong
ARTHK 10, Hong Kong International Art Fair, Hong Kong
ARTHK 08, Hong Kong International Art Fair, Hong Kong
ACAF NY 2007, New York, USA
Scope Cinema, Scope – International Contemporary Art Fair, Hamptons, USA
Entre la Piedra y la Flor - CIRCA '07 Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Art First, Quartiere Fieristico di Bologna, Italy
Pulse Art Fair Miami, Miami, USA
Artissima 13, Torino, Italy
2006 China International Gallery Exposition, Beijing Expo-China World Trade Centre, Beijing, China