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Networking Table: Version 2022 
– A Project of Marcos Vidal Font & Wai Kit Lam

Artist Statement

Networking Table: Version 2022 depicts the relationship between the conscious/unconscious idea of oneself, our representation, and how others comprehend us.


Nowadays, CCTV cameras are all installed around us. Some people might not notice it, but others might be very conscious. In this video, we used several objects as a metaphorical self, and they were either unconsciously playing alone or intentionally showing off themselves through a CCTV camera.


In mass media communication these days, whether the representation of the filmed object(s) is consciously or not, the audience(s) can only virtually comprehend them. They are strangers to each other, and this pattern repeatedly happens in our daily lives that we might not notice. Or, we are even convinced that this should be how we understand others.


Marcos Vidal Font & Wai Kit Lam

Hong Kong


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