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International Creative Lab Exchange 7 – with Ruth Biene

Curator Statement

Two individuals, from two different creative disciplines, and from two different places in the world, will come together in a remote rehearsal room to inspire each other through an improvised rehearsal hour.

How do artists collaborate?

This final exchange will be between Norfolk Performance Artist Ruth Biene, and Hong Kong Fine Artist/Photographer/Video Artist/ Sound and installation. Wai Kit Lam.

Where do artists start?
Do they look for words, movements, colour, smells?
Over an hour, you can watch as artists try to connect, and communicate ideas, thoughts, feelings and questions. Crossing borders, disciplines, cultures and languages. This a place for experimentation, play, curiosity and collaboration, this is not an end performance. It could be a beginning, a place to spark a new idea, a chance to begin something. After the rehearsal, there will be a discussion between the artists to express how they feel, what they found during their time together, and maybe an idea of what this might lead to. There will be time for questions from the general public, at the end. Join us on this experiment and join artists from Brazil, India, Hong Kong, Nicaragua, Greece, Austria, Germany meet artists in Norfolk, the UK.

Slow Theatre Company

Norwich, United Kingdom


2024 © Wai Kit Lam

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